This is Enduro Now, so it was.
Mix up some mop-haired mountain bike shredders and the No Fuss Event team and smear liberally around a November weekend in Lochaber, sprinkle with some socialising by the ice climbing wall and serve with a pony petting zoo on the side.
You now know the ingredients for The Dudes of Hazzard "This is Enduro Now" Enduro.
It was wet, it snowed a bit, we had hail and a surprising amount of sunshine. The 'dampness' helped keep the dust down... nobody likes dust.
2 ride-up liaisons from Kinlochleven race centre at the Ice Factor past Mamore Lodge towards the lochs - about 800m all in. And back down against the clock to near sea level via three classic KLL trails - you know the sort - steep loose rocky and heaps of fun.
Moulineers Lyndsey and Grieg were joined by almost 300 riders from all over and from further away to make this a pretty special event - hopefully the Dudes and Dudessas will put this on again - the subtle grimness of November in Lochaber has appeal : )
Moving pictures from MTB Cut & Pinkbike...

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