Conic Hill on a 'cross bike. That was a new concept to me when my friend Sanny suggested it last week. Riding there and back along the Westie - yes, through the trails in Mugdock - yes, over Conic Hill - what?! It was just too tempting to say no to.
I must say that the carry up sections were much more shoulder friendly than previously with my 35lb mtb. However, the descent was just as enjoyable. But in a different way!
For a start, dropping the saddle, as I was told after asking, would've been considered 'homosexual'. So the flattish section along the top already had the feeling of a steep downhill!
The hill was pretty busy with walkers and almost all were friendly and full of encouragement for us, except for one near the top who told me to go and buy a 'proper' bike with suspension. Smiling, I shouted back, "I've got two!" Some people will just never get it.

Photo: Mark Forrest
Line choice on the descent would prove to be a crucial factor for us what with the masses of walkers heading in all directions and us having barely any stopping power. Brakes were serving less as a means of slowing us down and more in acting as a squealing warning of our impending onset!
We all made it down the rocky section (walkers and bikers intact!) and whooped our way over the grassy ridge, with some of us grabbing some air time too.And then just as we were thinking , "All this descent needs is some slippy, rooty switchbacks...." They are all rideable (for some!) on a 'cross bike, but the rocky drop hidden by a gorse bush proved a shade too hardcore and that section had to be walked.
Finishing off on the lochside trails, a road ride to a grub stop at the Pottery in Drymen and a blast back along the Westie made for a superb 'local' day out.
Highly recommended.