After a great report now seems a good time to tell you all about an event we are about to launch in 2 weeks time -- The Kielder 100,Saturday Sept 5th , based at Kielder Water the event is a first for Britian 100 miles, 1 day, 1 lap, feed / tech stations at 25 miles/ 50 miles/75 miles. approx 40 % singletrack 20% Grassey tracks, the rest on forest roads. Using the kielder complex plus a trip over the boarder to Newcastleton to take in the 7 stanes trails there .
This is going to be tough with average times around 9 - 10 hrs hence start time of 6 am """"
I am proposing a VC Moulin trophy / prize for the first Mouliner home. Our very own Deano has produced the logo for the event, all we need now is for Deano to chance his arm and take to the start line !!!! We are also after idea's for a special crossing the boarder Shin Dig" ideas so far is a Piper Toll in other words riders have to pay the piper to cross the boarder, and a welcome to Scotland Sign ! Flags etc and then on the return leg you have to return to England?
Also we are after a few people to help out, all offers will be most greatful. Discounts on entrys for Mouliners please get in touch .

Sweet! sounds ace, cant wait to give it a go:-)
Hell yeah! Of course I'm going :^)
A huge test. Good on you Paul & Sara, for putting on a British first.
Sounds awesome.
As I will be at Eurobike as part of my now yearly German odyssey I won't be able to compete for the trophy, however I will get to work on something nice for the winner, ride hard young men and women of the Moulin.
i so want to do this after dean told me about it, but will be in virrrrrrr--geeeeeenia doing a 100 mile race there...nuts!
first mouliner home gets a special prize from me...
Love to join in and help, but alas will be away doing prep for the Tour of Britain - hope you guys can watch the race on ITV4 at 7pm daily from 12th-19th Sept or better still come and see the final stage live in London on the 19th Sept. Race launch on Tuesday so keep an eye on the press for the route. Plug over, sorry!
hooray. i've been waiting to allowed to tell people about this for weeks :-)
Oh dear. I was hoping to be able to hang up my sidi's for a while after Portugal, but there's that plan shot!
Sounds like it may be fun.
[apart from the 6am bit...]
I'm in!! Apart from cross season this is now my racing goal for 09.
Marty you fancy a dig? I could use the moral support around this massive loop.
> Marty you fancy a dig?
Hell YES!
Any chance of Pitlochry digs on way to Badaguish sxc the following day? Absolutely 100% have to ride there in case it's the last time.
Awesome. Yeah of course mate, one room booked in casa del Willimason. Looks like a weekend of racing and driving for us. I better start training!!!
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