However on Saturday I set out on a mission to the Fens of Lincolnshire to collect my new girl Rosie. So at lunchtime I jumped on the train with my trusty Langster and headed northeast to Newark were it turned out to be damp, misty and thankfully not windy! (I have a mental image of Lincolnshire always being windy) and began the second part of my journey to a small village by the name of Rowston where i was to pay for and collect Rosie.
Now the mission began, Rosie may be Female (as all mechanical things are) but she is no girl. She Happens to be my new race wagon an ex military Land Rover 101 forward control ambulance which has been lovingly converted into a camper/mission vehicle. I say mission as I had foolishly assumed that being based on a Land Rover she would be like my current Land Rovers to drive. Hmmm not quiteshe is getting on for twice the weight and a wide load. It was only when myself and Richard, Rosies creator went for a spin round the block that reality set in and I had a moment of pucker as her full dimensions sunk in. This lessened the more I drove her and started to find the right gears in the gearbox rather than Neutral or the wrong gear.
5 hours later I arrived back in London and nearly home. But before I could get Home National Rescue came to may rescue as the battery had lost its charge whilst playing with the flood lights without the engine running. So 1 jump start later and I was Home with my new girl and feeling very happy but shattered.
With no food left in the fridge and the prospect of sleeping on sunday morning, Playing with my new toy and buying food for the week or racing I took the lightweight option and slept!
So excuses in and no races on the cards 'til Mull I will continue to entertain myself with Rosie and just riding my bikes.
Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduce to you all Rosie Das Brick.

holly mollie, that is one big old girl, nice, I applaud your anti credit crunch stance.
CheersQ I am one very happy camper :-)
Holy poop! Rosie might just be the coolest vehicle I've ever seen.
Chapeau - can't wait to jump aboard :^)
She's just big boned, that's all.
awesome!!!...whats inside?
All the aerodynamics of a brick and then some. I hope the interior is suitably plush as you'll no doubt be in need of a little comfort having driven any distance at her helm
Ps Can we drive her to Puffer..?
I like to think of her as beefcake! Inside there is a double bed, lighting and hopefully by the end of this weekend a soundsystem (with a bigger one when funds allow!) I was contemplating strathpuffer, how many
days can you take off work?
sue asks - what that strapped to the front just below the windscreen?
erm, do you mean the black bit? if so its a jerry can
above the jerry can, but below the windscreen. looks like a weapon of some sort.
Ah the hi lift jack, so yes weapon aswell!
ahah! i think we should get one for the disappointing robo-car
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