This is well overdue. It's been a busy time since the Mull rounds, what with Christmas and everything, and an office relocation and shift to London thrown into the mix, I've haven't been on the bike and had zero time to catch up on correspondence. Mull was ace. Simple as that. Geoff caught the essence of it on film (or solid state memory or whatever it is these days) and its been widely viewed on youtube and various virtual places. And it has to be said, it was fantastic. The best end to a season of the best racing, with the best people, in the best place that I've known.
The recipe for the success that is is straightforward; A few antics, good cycling and great company, a brilliant course, a generous land owner, a devoted organiser and Jammy. Simple really.
i was extra stoked to be receive the trophy for the most combatant rider, accompanied by a couple of bottles of Monteiths' finest. A sweet way to round off the season.
I hope I'm back next year it. It was simply the best.

yep it's been a pretty incredible year with an awesome bunch of folk, roll on 2009, stuff is happening.
Well done to you too on an amazing season, you've raised the bar for the woman's (and most of the mens) field here which is great.
And happy holidays to all Mouliners
Nice write up Anja - summed the Mull weekend up perfectly.
Hope the move down to London town went ok?
Roll on 2009 indeed!
Hope everyone has an ace christmas and new year and gets to ride bikes often.
Ahem, shouldn't that be 'Moulineurs'?
Or, even, 'Moulineures'?
We need clarification.
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