When I started racing cross last year the predominant features of a race were rain and mud. However this season the five races I have done so far have been, dry, sunny and dusty! Now I'm not complaining but I wonder how long can this good thing last or did the torrential downpour at Dusk Till Dawn even out the karmic balance?
Anyway Round 6 was held at Temple School, Strood, Kent. On first appearance I was dubious to say the least of a course that circumnavigated football pitches full of Sunday league footballers and a school. However a practice lap erased any concerns I had and it proved to be a fun and fast course. As for the race it was the standard fair of 1 hour of feeling like i wanted to be sick. But some strange internal voice kept me pedaling round in circles as usual and I had a ball! Looking forward to getting my VCM kit to race in.

good work Phil, I'm sure we are all eager to see how much quicker you will be in a VCM skinsuit!
.....and I am doing a rain dance. Thinking about it, I don't have any cross shots in the snow..........yet
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